400 #Convoplates in circulation, 10s of 1,000s of conversations, $300,000+ in funds raised for mental health.
Mr. Brian J. Hansell Announced as a Winner of CAMH 150 Difference Makers. The CAMH 150 Difference Makers honours people influencing change in mental health, giving new reasons for hope.
Mr. Brian Hansell is the Founder of the Paul Hansell Foundation (PFH) and President of Hansell Consulting Group Inc. (HCG). This award is an honour for Brian, his team, and his community supporters.
After losing his son to suicide in 2010, Brian built a foundation in his name and began a movement that puts mental health on an equal footing with all other forms of health. The flagship initiative of PHF is the successful #ConvoPlate. Part art therapy and part global pass-it-forward movement, the #ConvoPlate inspires people to have conversations about mental health regularly. Brian believes wholeheartedly that by encouraging connected conversations at the youngest possible age we can successfully support the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and youth.
In his professional life, Mr. Hansell is known for his innovation in workplace wellness. Hansell Consulting Group supports organizational sustainability by delivering implementable workplace solutions with his team specializing in Wellness through benefits, pension, mental health, and communications.
Brian’s continued dedication in youth mental health is served through his roles on the Mental Health Management Advisory Committee at Brock University, as a member of the Burlington Foundation Mental Health Round Table, and the founding co-chair of the Mental Wellness Alliance.
Quote: “Many of the 150 Difference Makers have dedicated their lives to put us where we are today. I am merely following the path and focus that they forged. The tragedy that has occurred in my life has kept me focused on positively contributing to the mental health movement. None of this would be possible without the selfless effort of countless Canadians.”
Brian Hansell, President, Paul Hansell Foundation
Phone: 905-520-6960
Email: Brian@PaulHansellFoundation.com