Men's Breakfast for Mental Health 2020

We’re very excited to announce our 4th annual Men’s Breakfast for Mental Health on June 16th 2020.

This event is design to raise awareness for, and stimulate conversation and change toward the ‘silent killer’, men’s mental health.

The StatsCan Canadian Community Health Survey on Mental health and well-being found that 10% of men experienced symptoms of the surveyed mental health disorders and substance dependencies.  Among Canadians of all ages, four of every five suicides are male.

Along with genetics and stress, points out that social and psychological factors can contribute to men’s depression. Men’s focus on competition and feeling powerful can have an adverse affect on stress and mental well-being. Physical illness, in particular a life-threatening condition, is another trigger for depression, since it directly impacts a man’s sense of strength and status.

We have seen this event grow considerably over the years, each year showcasing a slightly different line-up, from workshop offerings to keynote speakers. This year we will host another line up sure to inspire and inform. Please watch our social media feeds for ticket announcements!